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Services available

Art Therapy session

(1 personne, online) 60€

Booking link / Reservation:

Helping people find their inner guidance through their own creativity, while learning about themselves, is what I propose with this session as an art-therapy practitioner.

Art Session de Groupe / Art Group Session

I offer tailor-made workshops to help you bring about change, using different artistic materials and media, the creative process, images and dialogue. All audiences (toddlers, children, teenagers, adults, seniors). Offer can be adapted to suit the needs of the audience. Example proposal: workshop program on a specific theme with 3-5 artistic mediums (3-5 sessions, 2-3 hours each; duration depending on group size and regularity, from 1 week to 3-4 weeks).

Art Collectif / Community Art Workshop

This is a workshop dedicated to writing. It can be a classic writing workshop with a "writing-therapy" orientation, or a workshop more specific to the poetry genre. A theme must be defined to guide our reflections and creations.  This is a program of several workshops.   For example: workshop programs on the notion of identity for displaced persons, program on the theme of travel, introductory program to poetic writing (techniques, rhythms, sounds, metaphors, etc.), Dada writing program. Please contact me to discuss program content propositions.

Atelier Art Textile (groupe)

I offer simple textile workshops in groups, using environmentally-friendly methods. You can create your own textile square, using natural inks for coloring and flowers for printing. At the end of the workshop, we can make a patchwork quilt with all your creations.

This program can be adapted to the needs of the group concerned and to the cultural or local context.

The workshop requires no specific skills.  

It's a 1h30 workshop for a group of 10-15 people.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested.

Concept Design and development

A workshop to create a work of art together, adapting it to the geo-spatial and cultural context. The idea is to arrange in a public space various elements: textile, objects, visual elements, music, etc.

This creation can be based on a theme identified by the community or collective. It takes into account the fact that it is part of a territory, and is aimed at an identified group. Example proposal: A program of workshops on a specific subject, with a selection of objects from the local cultural or artistic heritage.

Workshop Storytelling (groupe)

I offer group visual writing workshops using the storytelling method. I propose to write a story and put it into images.

I've written a program that I can adapt to the needs of the group concerned.

The workshop requires no specific skills.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested.

Art Collectif / Community Art Workshop

A workshop to create a work of art together, in an attempt to achieve group cohesion. This creation can be based on a problem encountered by the community or group. It takes into account the local context and is aimed at an identified group. Example proposal: A program of workshops on a specific subject, using 3-5 artistic media.

Land Art Collectif / Community Art Workshop

A workshop to create together a work inspired by the elements of nature. This creation raises awareness of the environment and reconnects us with what surrounds us (observation, sensations, natural objects). It takes into account the fact that it is part of a territory, and is aimed at an identified group. This workshop calls on group cohesion to create a collective, ephemeral work of art. It is aimed in particular at a young audience (6-14 years). This is a program of several workshops. Example proposal: Workshop program to create a mosaic from elements of nature in the forest, workshop program to create a work on the beach. The aim is to observe our surroundings, identify the geographical and geological specificity of the site, and select representative elements to create a visible work of art.

 Public Art Installation Workshop

A workshop to create a work of art together, adapting it to the geo-spatial and cultural context. The idea is to arrange in a public space various elements: textile, objects, visual elements, music, etc.

This creation can be based on a theme identified by the community or collective. It takes into account the fact that it is part of a territory, and is aimed at an identified group. Example proposal: A program of workshops on a specific subject, with a selection of objects from the local cultural or artistic heritage.

Art Therapy Master Class online

A workshop to create a work of art together, in an attempt to achieve group cohesion. This creation can be based on a problem encountered by the community or group. It takes into account the local context and is aimed at an identified group. Example proposal: A program of workshops on a specific subject, using 3-5 artistic media.


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